Ekotop Roman Sobczyk

Since the beginning, we have been involved in environmental protection in the broadest sense of the word, successively expanding the scope of our activities. We engage in problem solving in the field of municipal sewage sludge management, other types of waste and investments that may have a negative impact on the environment, as well as those serving its improvement.

We advise, design, implement, carry out and act as a project manager. We place particular emphasis on technologies based on the use of unconventional energy sources.

With more than 10 years of experience in environmental protection and implementation of pro-environmental investments, we try to pass on our experience to our clients by promoting modern technologies and offering wide-ranging assistance at the stage of project presentation, administrative arrangements, project development, obtaining funds for the implementation of the investment, including the implementation of the investment, start-up and supervision of its operation.

We are among the winners of the Ministry of the Environment’s GreenEvo project for the support and promotion on foreign markets of companies offering technological solutions conducive to environmental protection.

I believe that the technologies qualified for the GreenEvo project have a chance of international success. The global market for pro-environmental solutions and technologies is developing very dynamically, which is why we are keen to see a Polish accent in this segment as well.

Minister of the Environment Prof. Andrzej Kraszewski

Our mission

We develop and promote green technologies such as:

  • Solar and hybrid dryers - modern systems using solar energy to dry sludge, reducing operating costs and CO2 emissions.
  • Sludge composting - efficient methods of converting sludge into valuable organic fertiliser.
  • Renewable and non-conventional energy sources - technologies supporting the reduction of dependence on fossil fuels.

Our services

Solutions for sewage sludge

  • Sludge drying: We offer advanced sludge drying systems such as sun, solar and hybrid dryers. These technologies enable sludge moisture reduction with minimal energy consumption.
  • Sludge composting: We implement processes to convert sludge into organic fertiliser. Our solutions guarantee efficiency and regulatory compliance.

Environmental documentation

We handle the preparation of comprehensive documentation required by public institutions:

  • Water law reports
  • Environmental reports
  • Environmental impact assessment decisions
  • Decisions on conditions of land development
  • Building permits
  • Conversion of agricultural land
  • Water management documents

Registries and reports

Our company helps with:

  • Operating theBDO(Waste Database) system.
  • Reporting of emissions inKOBIZE
  • Calculation of product fees
  • Reporting of FGD and FGC
  • Environmental reporting

Waste and recycling

We provide support in obtaning process of permits:

  • Waste production
  • Waste collection
  • Waste transport

In addition, we advise on packaging and waste recovery levels, product levies, public campaigns and the taking over recycling obligations.

Why choose us?

  1. Experience and knowledge: our team consists of experts in the field of environmental protection and renewable energy sources.
  2. Innovation: We rely on modern technologies that are not only efficient but also environmentally friendly.
  3. Regulatory compliance: We guarantee that all our services meet current legal requirements.
  4. Individuality: We tailor each project to the needs of the client and the specifics of the project.

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