Report on impact of the proposed investment on the environment is one of indispensable elements to be worked out in the implementation of: Wastewater and waste treatment plants, landfills and others specified in The Council of Ministers regulation of 09.11.2004 on determining the types of projects that may significantly affect the environment and the detailed conditions qualifying the project to draw up a report on environmental impact (Journal of Laws 2004, No. 257 item 2573 as amended).

The need to draw up a report is specified by the project classification referred to in Article 51 Environmental Protection Law Act of 27th April 2001 (J.L. No. 62 item 627 as amended).

We offer working out any report and performing all arrangements for obtaining the final environmental decision.

On your behalf we will prepare appropriate applications, information sheets and arrangements with opinion-giving bodies.

In our reference you may find various reports for a wide range of investments.

The most important are as follows:

  • Greed fodder drying system located on NATURA 2000 areas
  • Paper plant
  • Cable production plant
  • Printing houses
  • Plastics treatment systems
  • Landfills
  • Segregation and waste recovery stations
  • Wastewater treatment plants
  • Solar sludge drying facilities
  • Sewage sludge compost sites
  • Fuel stations and bases
  • Vehicle dismantling stations
  • Roads modernisation
  • Wind power farms
  • Small hydro power stations
  • Shopping malls
  • Gas stations and networks
  • Water containers

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