A basic condition for the use of municipal sewage sludge to crops is to preserve their microbiological and parasitological purity. Application of lime for hygienisation of municipal sewage sludge provides effective destruction of microorganisms and elimination of odours.

Sludge hygienisation with lime allows obtaining lime-organic preparations that contain much organic matter and are used in land deacidification.

Preparations made on the basis of quicklime and municipal sewage sludge may be a substitute for calcium fertilizers used in agriculture.

With years of experience in municipal sewage sludge management and sludge hygienisation with lime we offer:
  • Developing technologies for treatment of sludge organic calcium preparations,
  • Selection of lime doses and complex delivery of highest quality lime,
  • Consulting in preparation of administrative arrangements relating to technologies implementation and the use of preparations.

Our offer is directed mainly to small sewage treatment plants that possess sludge suitable for agricultural use.

As a representative of lime manufacturer, Z.P.W. TRZUSKAWICA S.A. we DELIVER LIME to sewage and water treatment plants.

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